Why is practical training important?

Practical hands on training in a controlled environment is the best way to increase your retention. Learning from books and DVDs are much less effective as you are not able to feel the full sensation of actual engagement with an attacker.

How many times have you tried to repeat a joke, a song, or a dance after the first time being exposed to it? How much did you really remember? Studies show that we have an average of about a 10% retention rate after seeing something once. Studies show that the average person will retain:

– 50% of information immediately after hearing it

– 25% two days later

– 10% one week later

– 10% of what we hear

– 15% of what we see and hear

– 40% of what we discuss

– 80% of what we experience

– and 90% of what we teach others

We provide you with a safe environment with a coach and a padded instructor. The secret to your success? Repetitive movement. Creating muscle memory so that when you leave the seminar you retain the main important points that will keep you safe.

We begin with simple movement and environmental awareness discussions of various situations you may encounter. From there we slow-motion practice defense posture and movement. Once you are comfortable with movements we gear into half-speed practice. From there you will have an opportunity to try your new skills and knowledge to see if it really works.

Our students are always surprised with themselves by the end of a seminar. Quite often we hear comments such as, “I didn’t think I could do that!” or “I didn’t know I was strong enough.” The answer is: “Yes you can!”

Why do we need practical Training?

The problem with most self-defense programs is that you are taught not to hurt your partner. Therefore, most are never able to really hit a real person as an attacking, moving target to test the skills they have learned to defend themselves. The ability to test your skills in a practical manner can be the difference between life and death.

When a person is attacked, one will typically ‘black out’ in a sense. Under pressure your calm thought process of knowing how to move or react in the midst of an attack completely dissipates with the rush of adrenaline. Most victims report that “everything was a blur.” This is why we need to create ‘muscle memory’ or a reactive ability to deal with your attacker. Simply put, you will react the way you train. If you train to never hurt your friend in class, you will not naturally hurt your attacker on the street. We will train you to react effectively with confidence and strength.

Here are a few simple principles that can help.

  1. Prepare Properly: This includes understanding how keep yourself out of a situation where you can be attacked as well as preparing to physically protect yourself in case of an attack.
  2. Environmental Awareness: Potential threats and hazards may be present anywhere you are. Learn to keep your eyes open and think with common sense to keep yourself out of a potential hazardous situation.
  3. Respond appropriately to threatening situations and people. Know which situations require a light verbal deterrent or a full blitz attack.

Understanding these three basic principles clearly can allow you to avoid a dangerous situation, but also effectively protect yourself when necessary.

Reach Us

Angel Defense

Robert Lennon
PO Box 341012
Los Angeles, CA  90034


My Gym Children's Fitness

Robert Meltzer
1837 S. La Cienega, Suite A
Los Angeles, CA 90035



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Copyright 2001 Feminine Iron. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: the information contained in this website is for informational purposes only. Neither the publicist nor the author makes any representations, warranty or guarantee that the techniques described and/or illustrated on this website will be safe or effective in any self-defense situation or otherwise.
©2009, Angel Self-Defense, All Rights Reserved.