Rings of life

With Angel Defense you will learn to prepare to deal with what we refer to as your Rings of Life. Each ring represents a distance from your personal bubble. In the center of the Ring of Life is you. Your bubble extends as far as your hands can reach from your body. From there the same distance or a danger level is considered less and less threatening. So we create levels of strength and intensity, whether verbal or physical depending on the distance the ring is from the center.

The ring on the outside represents minimum level of danger. Perhaps a person walking by who may be trying to ask you for the time or some other simple question because they are trying to see if they might be able to ask you on a date. You may simply tell them “No thank you. I am married [engaged, have a boyfriend, etc.]”

The next ring moving towards the center may be a homeless person who is harassing you for change at the gas station. Here you may need to be a little more firm and tell them with authority, “No. I do not have spare change for you. Please ask someone else.” This may be enough. At this point there is no reason to put up a strong physical posture/guard as would be needed to physically defend.

The next ring inward follows a similar level of threat increase all the way into the center that represents you personally and the highest level of danger. This would be where we take physical action to protect yourself.

Keep in mind your environmental awareness, and remain safe.

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Angel Defense

Robert Lennon
PO Box 341012
Los Angeles, CA  90034


My Gym Children's Fitness

Robert Meltzer
1837 S. La Cienega, Suite A
Los Angeles, CA 90035



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Disclaimer: the information contained in this website is for informational purposes only. Neither the publicist nor the author makes any representations, warranty or guarantee that the techniques described and/or illustrated on this website will be safe or effective in any self-defense situation or otherwise.
©2009, Angel Self-Defense, All Rights Reserved.